Facebook Advertise Your Way
To Bigger Sales

More than 3 million Singaporeans are logging on to Facebook each and every month! Don’t miss out on tapping into this huge market of ‘itchy to buy’ prospects, who are ready to spend their money on your products and services!

Let's Get

A few of the other companies we helped grow
1-Prudential – Desk
2-NUS – Desk
3-Qatar – Desk
4-3M – Desk
5-Oppo – Desk
1-Sport Singapore – Desk
2-Fuji Xerox – Desk
3-Hitachi – Desk
4-UBS – Desk
1-Prudential – Mob
2-NUS – Mob
3-Qatar – Mob
4-3M – Mob
5-Oppo – Mob
1-Sport Singapore – Mob
2-Fuji Xerox – Mob
3-Hitachi – Mob
4-UBS – Mob

Brewing Magic

Accelerating growth with our clients

How many leads
are you giving
to competitors?

Facebook now has nearly 1.4 billion active users generating over 4 billion “likes” per day, and over 3 million of those people are right here in Singapore.

The fact is: Facebook isn’t just for socialising anymore. It’s for growing your business. But if you’re not one of those savvy marketers who is already using Facebook to your advantage, chances are you’re losing countless paying customers to the competition… and spinning your wheels with outdated advertising methods that get you little to no results.

How many leads are you giving to competitors?

Since our agency was founded in 2009, we have had constant iterations to our agency model. We believe that we’ve finally managed to hit the “sweet spot” as an agency – incorporating the best aspects of a large agency and the flexibility of a boutique team to build profitable relationships with our clients.

Unlike smaller digital agencies in Singapore, we don’t believe in relying on templatised strategies. We create completely customised approaches based on your business goals and organisation boundaries. When necessary, we will re-strategise and pivot as your company evolves.

We also offer a much more conservative pricing compared to larger agencies, and we don’t work with any minimum budget.

Our goal as an agency is to become an extension of your marketing team to ensure a truly collaborative and profitable partnership.

Tap Into “Starving
Crowds” of Prospects,
Who Spends Like Highly
Paid Bankers

Few social media platforms offer businesses with as much flexibility and as many targeting tools as Facebook. Not only does Facebook place over 3 million Singaporeans within your reach instantly, but it also allows you to zero in on your ideal prospects for optimum results.

Let our team show you how to run an effective Facebook ad campaign that targets prospects based on age, gender, location, interests, what posts and pages they have “liked”, and more. You can use this valuable data to create even more effective ad campaigns that reach your ideal customers before they even know they need you (and before the competition snatches them up).

Tap Into “Starving
Crowds” of Prospects,
Who Spends Like Highly
Paid Bankers

Before we started Brew Interactive as a digital marketing agency in Singapore, our founder, Marcus Ho, along with the folks on our senior management team were on your side of the table (either as entrepreneurs or marketing and content directors). Back then, we’ve worked with every type of marketing agency, ranging from creative agencies, to telesales call centres and digital/media agencies. Sometimes, these partnerships yielded great results. But more often than not, it wasn’t a good fit. Sure, they had great sales people to talking to us, but after the contract was signed, we were immediately bummed off to their junior employees, who then had great difficulties in understanding our business goals, and the gaps that we were facing. Through these experiences, we realised that there was an obvious gap in the agency world. Hence, we decided to build a digital agency that could collectively come up with the right strategy and the necessary skills to execute on every level. This is what Brew Interactive is about.

Let Our Team Of
Growth Experts
Turn Your $1 Into $3

Let Our Team Of Growth Experts Turn Your $1 Into $3

A forest full of low-lying fruit is at your fingertips when you harness the power of Facebook ads. No more time and money down the drain on ad spend that gets zero results.


Expand your reach to super-targeted audiences on desktop and on mobile devices. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you go it alone, but our team of seasoned, in-the-know marketing experts use the latest, “ahead-of-the-curve” strategies to develop a super-profitable Facebook ad campaign that will double, or even TRIPLE your leads and sales at a fraction of the cost of your other marketing channels.

It’s no secret that our Facebook ad campaigns have a proven track record of turning every $1 in ad spend into $3 in new paying customers. With that said, there’s never been a better time to get started while costs for advertising on Facebook are still relatively low. Read on to discover how we’ll create a custom plan to grow your business that’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Our Services


First, book your 100% free growth strategy call, and let us analyse your business, crunch the numbers, determine your “sticking points,” and come up with a custom plan for maximising leads and sales via Facebook ads. We’ll walk you through how to use Facebook ads to reach your IDEAL prospects and turn them into loyal customers. (This is something we easily charge $1,000 for, but you’ll get it for free as a first-time client).


Expand your reach to super-targeted audiences on desktop and on mobile devices. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you go it alone, but our team of seasoned, in-the-know marketing experts use the latest, “ahead-of-the-curve” strategies to develop a super-profitable Facebook ad campaign that will double, or even TRIPLE your leads and sales at a fraction of the cost of your other marketing channels.


It’s no secret that our Facebook ad campaigns have a proven track record of turning every $1 in ad spend into $3 in new paying customers. With that said, there’s never been a better time to get started while costs for advertising on Facebook are still relatively low. Read on to discover how we’ll create a custom plan to grow your business that’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.
As the leading Facebook marketing agency Singapore, we provide a range of Facebook advertising services to match your precise campaign demands to drive new leads.

Our Facebook advertising services include:

In-depth research

Our media buying team would first do their research on the competition and your business. This will allow us to understand your business goals deeper and create a proper strategy to help you reach your goals.

Ad experts

Our ad experts possess a high technical knowledge and experience in the Facebook advertising platform.

Monitor results

We use a combination of Google analytics and Facebook Ad Insights to monitor the campaign progress. It will also present demographic data reporting related to the ads and the page.

Creative ideas

Our Facebook ads are created with effective and creative ideas that are designed specifically for the targeted audience.

Track and optimize

We also track and optimize Facebook campaigns that are providing the highest returns and will enhance them to further. As a client, we will keep you constantly informed with ROI performance reports.
In order to know more about our Facebook solutions, you can contact our team today.

How Would You Like Your Inbox To Be Flooded
With ‘Begging To Buy’ Leads Like This?

Partners & Awards

0-BNN International – Desk
1-Hotspot Platinum – Desk
2-Google Partner – Desk
3-SalesForce Partner – Desk
0-BNN International – Mob
1-Hotspot Platinum – Mob
2-Google Partner – Mob
3-SalesForce Partner – Mob

Do you want a $5,000 Facebook advertising audit for free

Share with us your needs and learn how you can generate measurable results
from digital marketing. No obligations (it’s true!)

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