Account-Based Marketing Agency

Boost Your ROI with Laser Focused Account-Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing (ABM) has been proven to drastically decrease cost of acquisition, shorten the typical sales cycle, and increase the value of deals. It’s a more effective, efficient, and profitable way to get customers.

Instead of putting out content and waiting on prospects to come to you, ABM flips the traditional sales and marketing funnel on its head by targeting high value prospects and nurturing them into opportunities. Brew Interactive designs ABM programs that prospect new target accounts, expand on current accounts, and accelerate current prospects through the buyer’s journey.

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Accelerating growth with our clients

Why Invest in Account-Based Marketing?

Account Based Marketing is a strategic approach to marketing that identifies key prospects to engage, nurture, and convert. It’s a more efficient, streamlined, and profitable way to land your dream clients – and works especially well in B2B.

Don’t Wait on Leads to Come to You

Instead of creating mass ad campaigns or publishing loads of content hoping to attract the right leads, ABM begins by identifying your dream clients and strategizing the best way to market to them. Instead of marketing one-to-many, you’re marketing one-to-a-few. ABM is a more proactive way to generate qualified leads.

Start Conversations with Your Dream Customers

Are you and your sales team tired of having ten phone calls with leads only to qualify one or two? With an ABM campaign, you’ll only talk to leads you’ve already pre-vetted and determined as good fits. With ABM, there’s no more waiting and hoping that some of your dream clients will see your marketing – you’ll put it right in front of them.

Maximise Your Marketing Budget

Research shows over the past few years 76% of marketers experienced higher ROI using ABM opposed to traditional or inbound marketing methods. ABM campaigns target a small number of accounts, tend to lead to shortened sales cycles, and often result in higher deal values. For many B2B companies, it’s a more efficient way to spend your marketing budget.

Align Marketing and Sales

Another benefit of ABM is the alignment of marketing and sales. Marketing and sales need to be aligned in order to roll out a successful campaign – but that alignment leads to synergy and efficiency boosts long after the ABM campaign is completed. An aligned sales and marketing team means higher lead-to-qualified ratios, faster sales cycles, and increased productivity.

Step by step process

Our Proven ABM Process


Goal setting + KPIs

Every successful ABM campaign begins with clarifying goals and setting focused objectives and KPIs. We’ll spend a lot of upfront time with your team ensuring we know exactly what you’re trying to achieve and how the campaign will benefit your company.

Depending on where you are on your ABM journey, we’ll typically aim for one of the following goals:

  1. Prospecting of new target accounts
  2. Expanding current accounts
  3. Accelerating current prospective accounts

Once we establish a goal, we’ll work with you to set objectives and KPIs to guide us throughout the campaign.


Persona Development

ABM is all about weeding out your unqualified leads and pursuing accounts that align perfectly with your ideal customer profile (ICP). Our team will spend a lot of time and energy developing your ideal buyer persona through strategy meetings with your team, customer interviews, and demographic research. We won’t even consider creating a target account list before we’re crystal clear on your ideal customer.


Account Research and Target List Creation

Once we’re confident that we’re targeting the right kinds of customers, then we’ll perform account research and compile a list of target accounts or expand upon / verify an existing list. We’ll evaluate your existing databases and leverage other technologies to put together a robust list full of profitable, dream clients.


Software and Tech Setup

An ABM technology stack can make or break an accounts-based marketing campaign. We have ABM specialists who are experts in a wide range of technologies and softwares needed to pull off a successful campaign. From CDPs to CRMs and ad platforms to sales intelligence softwares – our team knows how to leverage tech for ROI producing campaigns.


Content and Asset Development

An ABM campaign is nothing without the right content and assets to capture the attention of your target accounts. We’ll visualise the journey with your team, identify the right types of content or ads, and then get to work developing valuable assets your target accounts won’t be able to ignore.


Sales and Marketing Alignment

For an account-based marketing campaign to be successful, marketing needs input from the sales team on target accounts and what makes a qualified lead for them. Because the sales team often knows the ICP best, sales needs to give marketing feedback on their campaign strategy and content plans. Everyone needs to be on the same page, and we help facilitate the collaboration.


ABM Campaign Rollout

Once goals have been established, target accounts chosen, content and multi-channel workflows mapped out – it’s time to rollout the campaign. Our team ensures everything is synced and being tracked. Then, we go live and start landing accounts.


Track, Evaluate, and Optimise

If you can’t track all of your progress, touchpoints, and results – there’s no way to know how successful the campaign is. We’ll create a dashboard for you and report regularly on the campaign’s progress, always looking back to our initial goals and KPIs to ensure your campaign is moving your company forward.

What our client say

Campaign ROI → Happy Clients

At Brew Interactive, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch services to our clients. Don’t just take our word for it – hear what our satisfied customers have to say!

Case Study

ABM in Action

Account-Based Marketing FAQ

How do you do account-based marketing?
It all starts with identifying and researching a list of target accounts who would make ideal customers for your business. Then, you develop a customised marketing campaign to nurture them into qualified leads by targeting them with relevant content, ads, emails, direct mail, calls, or all of the above.
What are the types of account-based marketing?
There are a few different ways to think about ABM, but most marketers agree there are three types: Your campaign might target one single account you really want to work with (one-to-one). It might target just a handful of accounts (one-to-few). Or it might target lots of target accounts (one-to-many).
Is Account-Based Marketing better than traditional marketing?
It’s not necessarily better, but for the right companies who are going after the right accounts, it can be a much more effective and efficient way to market and spend marketing dollars.
How do you choose target accounts?
It all starts with establishing your ideal customer profile (ICP). Once clarified, then you go out and make a list of companies who fit your ideal markers. This can be done manually or by using ABM softwares like CDPs, lead databases, or tapping into existing contacts in your CRM.
What’s an example of ABM?
We recently wrote a blog featuring a bunch of great ABM examples, and there are two case studies above. One of our favourite examples we pulled off for a client involved in-depth customer interviews to determine the right client fit, using a third-party database to pull target account info based primarily on job title, and a robust lead nurturing workflow promoting a helpful tool.

Partners & Awards

0-BNN International – Desk
1-Hotspot Platinum – Desk
2-Google Partner – Desk
3-SalesForce Partner – Desk
0-BNN International – Mob
1-Hotspot Platinum – Mob
2-Google Partner – Mob
3-SalesForce Partner – Mob

Get in touch with us now

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