Whether you are a start-up or an established company, there will come a time when you realize you need help marketing your business online. If you take a good look at your current marketing efforts, your website, and your lead generation, you may come to the conclusion that you aren’t getting the results you want. If you are lacking leads, you may want to re-evaluate your current marketing strategy. You probably need to hire a digital marketing agency if you are going to reach your target customers online. Here are some signs that a digital marketing agency would do well for you:
You’re in Over Your Head
You will know your product best; you are the expert. The problem is, you don’t know how to market your product online. There’s a big difference between having a great product and having a great business. Product development and marketing are two very different skill sets. If you’re taking your product to market, but know nothing about how to use the internet to market your product, you need help.
Problems With Growth
Once your business picks up steam and the orders start coming in, you will need to know how to scale your marketing efforts. Business growth means that a particular marketing channel is working but when it’s time to take it to the next level, you may not know how to proceed and may not have knowledge on digital marketing strategies. Rather than trying to learn, your time is probably better spent on hiring the right team to handle digital marketing while you focus on other business development and financial matters.
Your Message Isn’t Coming Through Online
Your website is the face and heart of your business and its online presence. You may have an amazing corporate culture or a heartfelt company mission, but if your website doesn’t reflect that, you’re missing a huge opportunity to make a solid connection with your audience. It’s not about branding, but what’s important is the message in your content. Your company’s values and mission should be coming through in your message. Your website is where you have the opportunity to give value to your audience, through page content and blog content.
Not Getting Enough Traffic
Maybe you already have a great website, but it is not getting the traffic you expect. Typically, this is because of owners not knowing how to market online or just don’t have the time. Low website traffic reflects a lack of strategy and a solid plan to carry out a digital marketing campaign.
Traffic, but no Conversions
If it’s not clear from your calls to action that you offer a valuable resource and want to build a relationship with your prospective customers, then they will not convert. They may read your content, then leave and probably never return.
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You Don’t Measure Results
As you may be measuring costs, sales, profit, and loss and all the usual business metrics, if you are doing business online but aren’t measuring your website analytics, then you’re missing a huge opportunity to understand your audience and what is and is not working in your online marketing. Perhaps you don’t understand the metrics and don’t know how to interpret them, as it can be confusing. However, ignoring the numbers isn’t going to help your business grow.
Brew Interactive specializes in digital marketing for SME’s, get in touch today to see how we can help!
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