Crown Workspace:
Effectively Raising Traffic while Keeping Costs Low


Crown Workspace is a multinational corporation that offers the full spectrum of office relocation services. The company has worked with businesses from a variety of industries across Asia and Europe.

Their services include move management, IT relocation, real estate refurbishment, storage services, and corporate interior design.

Additionally, Crown Workspace demonstrates a strong commitment to environmental stewardship by providing specialised services for the responsible disposal of electronic waste products, ensuring a sustainable approach to office transitions.

At a Glance

Lead generation
 44% increase in business leads

Clicks and impressions
 More than 20% increase in clicks and impressions

1st page of Google
 Ranked on the 1st page of Google SERP for selected keywords

Organic leads
 Significant increase in organic leads

 71% reduction in cost-per-click (CPC) reduced from $7 to $2


Crown Workspace has stated that they have issues with:

  • A website which is not SEO-optimised
  • Existing web pages displaying only basic information with no relevant SEO keywords
  • A recently established APAC Workspace department
  • Ranking for irrelevant organic keywords that are not related to their primary business
  • A lack of experience working with Google Ads

Prior to engaging us, Crown Workspace had also tried to run ads on Google, but their efforts were unsuccessful. Finally, as Crown Workspace lacked any organic presence on Google, they were missing out on plenty of prospective leads.

Our Approach

Running Google Ads Campaigns

In our digital marketing strategy for Crown Workspace, we leveraged Google Ads as a key platform to prominently feature in search results for high-value keywords, specifically targeting commercial customers.

Crown Workspace’s services are exclusively geared towards companies and offices, not personal or residential moving services. Therefore, we meticulously crafted our ad campaigns to resonate solely with a commercial audience, ensuring that our messaging was precisely aligned with the needs and interests of businesses seeking professional workspace solutions.

Given Crown Workspace’s stringent budget constraints, our focus was on maximising efficiency through Google search ads and Performance Max ads. We fine-tuned our ad copies to be clear, concise, and directly appealing to commercial entities, making every word count in attracting the appropriate audience.

This targeted approach was vital to optimise our limited resources and to ensure that the ads resonated strongly with businesses looking for commercial relocation and workspace services.

Moreover, Google Ads’ robust targeting features allowed us to pinpoint our audience with precision. By selecting keywords and audience parameters that align closely with Crown Workspace’s commercial focus, we significantly reduced the risk of attracting low-quality, non-commercial leads.

This specificity in our campaigns meant that the audience we attracted was genuinely interested in Crown Workspace’s commercial services, increasing the likelihood of generating qualified leads. We also designed the ads to be compelling and professionally appealing to better engage with leads.

Backlink Building

When Crown Workspace first came to us, their website had a very low domain rating (DR). This is a major problem as a DR affects the site’s ability to rank higher for related search results.

We rectified this situation by building quality backlinks in the form of business profiles, article sharing, guest posts, and link insertions with the right anchors (brand, topical, exact match and generic), based on Crown Workspace’s competitors.

Backlinks, which are links from other websites directed to Crown Workspace’s site, are crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, they significantly enhance the website’s visibility and credibility in search engine rankings. Search engines like Google view backlinks from reputable sources as a vote of confidence, thereby boosting Crown Workspace’s website in search results. This increased visibility is essential for attracting more organic traffic.

Secondly, backlinks are instrumental in driving referral traffic. When visitors click on these links from other websites, they are directly led to Crown Workspace’s site, increasing the potential customer base.

Furthermore, backlinks also contribute to establishing Crown Workspace as an authority in its field. Links from well-regarded industry sites or reputable sources not only bring in traffic but also enhance the brand’s credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential clients.

Lastly, the strategic creation of backlinks forms part of a broader SEO strategy, which is crucial for long-term digital success. It ensures that Crown Workspace maintains a strong online presence, making it easier for potential clients to find and engage with their services.

Fixed Crown Workspace’s website’s HTML headers and metadata

Properly structured HTML headers guide search engines in understanding the content hierarchy, while optimised metadata provides concise information about the page’s content.

Together, these elements contribute to a more accurate indexing by search engines, leading to improved visibility and higher rankings in search results.

Before we implemented our fixes, Crown Workspace’s HTML headers did not incorporate relevant keywords such as “office relocation”, “corporate relocation services” or “commercial relocations”. 

HTML headers are important for SEO as they establish the content hierarchy, helping search engines understand the structure and relevance of a webpage’s content. Incorporating keywords into headers emphasises their significance, aiding in better ranking for those terms.

Headers also enhance user experience by making content more navigable, indirectly influencing SEO through improved user metrics.

Finally, they play a role in ensuring content accessibility and optimising for mobile browsing, factors that search engines value in their ranking algorithms.

Provided quality, SEO-friendly copy for Crown Workspace’s web page

Additional on-site SEO fixes by Brew included revamping copy on the company’s web page. This included inserting relevant keywords, correcting grammatical errors and ensuring that the copy is professional, easily understood and readable.

At the same time, we also incorporated keywords that are relevant to Crown Workspace’s variety of services. Doing this would make it easier for potential customers to discover the company. 
Keywords that we made sure to include were: “commercial office mover”, “office mover in Singapore”, and “Office moving in Singapore”.

Crafted a FAQ section

Integrating a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section into Crown Workspace’s website is a strategic SEO move. It serves as a natural platform for incorporating relevant keywords, directly aligning with potential clients’ search queries. This boosts the website’s visibility in search results, making it more likely to be found by those seeking Crown Workspace’s services.

Additionally, an FAQ section enhances user engagement. By providing concise and helpful answers, it keeps visitors on the site longer, a factor that search engines favour when ranking pages. This section also improves the website’s structure through internal linking, guiding visitors to other relevant content and thereby increasing their overall engagement with the site.

Furthermore, FAQs cater to specific long-tail search queries which are less competitive but highly targeted.
Answering these queries not only positions Crown Workspace as a knowledgeable authority in their field but also increases the likelihood of appearing in rich snippets and ‘People Also Ask’ boxes in Google searches, driving more targeted traffic to their website.

Wrote engaging SEO articles

To enhance Crown Workspace’s online searchability, we crafted SEO-optimised articles featuring specific keywords and phrases that potential clients commonly use in online searches.

This strategic use of keywords significantly improves Crown Workspace’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), thereby increasing its online visibility. The higher visibility in turn attracts more organic, targeted traffic, as these users are actively looking for services related to Crown Workspace’s offerings.

Our articles were not only keyword-rich but also engaging and informative, encouraging visitors to spend more time on Crown Workspace’s website. This increased engagement is a positive signal to search engines. To ensure the client’s quality and relevance, we engaged writers with expertise in corporate and workspace solution topics.

Furthermore, these SEO articles boost Crown Workspace’s industry authority and credibility. By delivering valuable, well-researched content that addresses the audience’s needs, Crown Workspace establishes itself as a knowledgeable resource in its field.

This not only fosters trust with readers but also aids in acquiring quality backlinks from reputable sites, further enhancing the website’s overall SEO and search result rankings.


195% increase in organic traffic

All of our efforts allowed us to significantly increase the flow of organic traffic to Crown’s website. This would serve to boost the company’s online presence and help to attract more potential clients.

More than 20% increase in total clicks & impressions

The fixes we introduced brought about a major increase in total clicks and impressions on Crown Workspace’s website.

Clicks refer to the number of times users have clicked on a link, advertisement, or element on a website. They are vital because they indicate direct engagement and interest from visitors.

Higher clicks indicate a greater level of engagement and interest in your content, products, or services. An increase in Crown’s total clicks indicates higher conversion rates and sales as viewers are actively interacting with what’s offered on the site.

When comparing the same quarters in 2022 and 2023, we can see that Crown Workspace’s website is enjoying a much higher level of engagement.

Impressions measure how often a webpage, advertisement, or link is viewed, whether or not it’s clicked. This metric provides insight into the visibility and reach of content, helping businesses understand how often their content is being seen.

Higher impressions mean that Crown is reaching out to more people and expanding its presence. This contributes to increased brand awareness and credibility.

Comparing the same time periods in 2022 and 2023, shows us that Crown Workspace is reaching a much larger audience.

All of which indicates that Brew has enabled Crown to:

  • Increase the number of leads they receive
  • Reach out to a significantly larger number of potential customers
  • Stand out from their competitors

Reached the 1st page of Google SERP

The fixes we implemented allowed Crown Workspace to rank on the 1st page of Google SERP for a number of highly competitive keywords.

These were:
Office moving Singapore
Office movers
Office movers Singapore
Office moves
Office moving
Office mover
Office reinstatement Singapore
Modern offices

Ranking on the 1st page of Google SERP significantly boosts visibility, as most users don’t venture past the first page of search results. 

This prime positioning leads to increased clicks and traffic to Crown Workspace’s website, connecting with users actively seeking related services. Ultimately, this prominent ranking helps in converting more visitors into patients, enhancing the company’s growth and reputation.

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