Heron Technology

Client Story


Heron Technology is Singapore’s leading cybersecurity services provider. The company specializes in providing complete cybersecurity solutions to protect companies from the constantly changing and complicated threats that exist in today’s digital world.

For the longest time, Heron depended on its principal companies for lead generation which hindered its growth potential. They realized that in order to grow, they needed to diversify their lead sources.

However, due to their limited budgets, Heron Technology was unable to invest in crucial marketing tactics that would help them grow. Additionally, their small team meant they did not have the capacity to handle top-of-the-funnel leads (potential customers who have shown some interest but may not be ready to make a purchase yet).

What they needed were bottom-of-the-funnel leads to focus their efforts on, which refers to individuals actively searching for a cybersecurity solution and are prepared to make a decision. These leads are more likely to become customers.

Since Heron’s target audience consisted of critical infrastructure and government entities, which are a very specific and hard-to-reach group, they decided to seek assistance from Brew Interactive.


Heron Technology is Singapore’s leading cybersecurity services provider. The company specializes in providing complete cybersecurity solutions to protect companies from the constantly changing and complicated threats that exist in today’s digital world.

For the longest time, Heron depended on its principal companies for lead generation which hindered its growth potential. They realized that in order to grow, they needed to diversify their lead sources.

However, due to their limited budgets, Heron Technology was unable to invest in crucial marketing tactics that would help them grow. Additionally, their small team meant they did not have the capacity to handle top-of-the-funnel leads (potential customers who have shown some interest but may not be ready to make a purchase yet).

What they needed were bottom-of-the-funnel leads to focus their efforts on, which refers to individuals actively searching for a cybersecurity solution and are prepared to make a decision. These leads are more likely to become customers.

Since Heron’s target audience consisted of critical infrastructure and government entities, which are a very specific and hard-to-reach group, they decided to seek assistance from Brew Interactive.



177% increase in domain rating within 6 months


600% increase in organic traffic


7x increase in leads


Given our objective of targeting prospects at the bottom of the sales funnel, we chose to run search ads. However, on seeing the projected cost-per-click amounting to SGD 15 per click, we realized the need to find a more affordable solution.

According to Semrush, the cost-per-click was SGD 15.91

Heron Technology’s website had a low domain rating of 9

We noticed that Heron Technology’s domain rating (a metric that indicates the authority and trustworthiness of a website) was very low due to which they struggled to compete with other websites in their industry and gain visibility in search engine results.

To address this, we decided to invest in SEO, aiming to improve the visibility of Heron’s website and content on search engines. Our goal was to attract organic traffic and engage with potential customers without relying on costly pay-per-click advertising.

We conducted a comprehensive SEO audit of the website and took the following actions:


As a priority, we addressed the low Core Web Vitals of the website which was impacting their domain rating. Core Web Vitals is a set of metrics that measure the user experience of a website and include factors such as page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

While their desktop ranking was satisfactory, their mobile ranking needed a drastic improvement. It was essential to prioritize this because getting the mobile experience right is crucial to improve search engine rankings.

Poor mobile technical SEO performance

Results of the diagnostic test

We ran a diagnostic test to identify areas for improving the page speed performance and addressed each issue.


The next step was improving on-page SEO. We kickstarted this by conducting keyword research and analyzing their top competitors. Basis this, we narrowed down a list of primary keywords and relevant phrases that the website should be ranking for.

The objective was to establish topical authority by creating informative and compelling content. To achieve this, we focused on improving existing content to address keyword gaps and match search intent.

Optimized landing page on Cybersecurity Solutions


Another reason for their low domain rating was their poor backlink profile.

Poor backlink profile

Improved backlink profile after building strategic links

We started building targeted backlinks from authoritative websites within the business and technology sectors. By incorporating focused and relevant anchor keywords, we built high-quality links from several domains.

Furthermore, to enhance their link profile, we diversified their anchor links by including a blend of exact match, generic, and topical variations. This strengthened their overall backlink profile and improved their website’s authority and visibility.


As a result of our strategic SEO initiatives, Heron Technology experienced significant improvements in its online presence and lead generation.

Within a span of 6 months, their domain rating increased by an impressive 177%, indicating enhanced authority and trustworthiness. This led to a substantial increase in organic traffic and a remarkable 7x boost in leads, providing them with a more qualified lead pipeline.

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