Client Story


Successfully Driving Web Traffic without Breaking the Bank

At a Glance


Ranked on the 1st page of Google Search Engine Results Page


Enhanced SEO performance by migrating PhysioX’s website to WordPress


271% increase in organic traffic to PhysioX’s website


50% increase in website domain rating (DR)


PhysioX is a physiotherapy clinic in Singapore, focusing on personalised patient care. The team consists of six therapists, each with an average of 12 years of experience, and at least six years working in major restructured hospitals.

The clinic’s approach emphasises understanding the root cause of pain and taking comprehensive measures to treat it, rather than merely providing temporary relief.

Emphasising education, the therapists at PhysioX aim to empower patients with the knowledge and tools to prevent future recurrences of their issues. Since starting operations in February 2018, the clinic has been in a growth phase, aiming to extend its services to a broader patient base.

Currently, there are 3 PhysioX branches located around Singapore located at Bukit Timah, Orchard Road and Paya Lebar.

The Challenge

PhysioX has stated that they have issues with:

Getting new leads for patients
Increasing awareness for new patients
Standing out amidst the stronger players
who has the ability to place ads

They also are not able to turn to Google Search Ads as the CPC for keywords relevant to
PhysioX’s services are quite pricey.

With that in mind, we decided to tackle issues related to PhysioX’s web design and web copy while also shoring up its SEO to improve the
flow of organic traffic.

By helping them rank on the first page of
Google SERP for relevant keywords, this would
help PhysioX get new leads and increase awareness of their services while standing out
from their competitors.

Our Approach

1. Migrating to a superior content management
system (CMS)

Prior to Brew, PhysioX’s website was hosted on a platform which lacked features and plugins needed to optimise its SEO performance. This is why we chose to migrate PhysioX’s website to WordPress instead.

Revamping the site’s layout allows us to convey a sense of professionalism and competence which inspires confidence in potential patients. This is especially important given the nature of PhysioX’s industry and the range of services offered.

We also ensured that the “BOOK NOW” call-to-action button is always visible which makes it easy for potential clients to schedule sessions.

2. Fixed PhysioX’s website’s HTML headers and metadata

Properly structured HTML headers guide search engines in understanding the content hierarchy, while optimised metadata provides concise information about the page’s content.

Together, these elements contribute to a more accurate indexing by search engines, leading to improved visibility and higher rankings in search results.

Before we implemented our fixes, PhysioX’s HTML headers did not incorporate relevant keywords such as “physiotherapy”, “physiotherapy clinic” or “physio”.

HTML headers are important for SEO as they establish the content hierarchy, helping search engines understand the structure and relevance of a webpage’s content. Incorporating keywords into headers emphasises their significance, aiding in better ranking for those terms.

Headers also enhance user experience by making content more navigable, indirectly influencing SEO through improved user metrics.

Finally, they play a role in ensuring content accessibility and optimising for mobile browsing, factors that search engines value in their ranking algorithms.

PhysioX’s HTML headers prior to Brew, note the lack of relevant keywords

HTML headers are important for SEO as they establish the content hierarchy, helping search engines understand the structure and relevance of a webpage’s content. Incorporating keywords into headers emphasises their significance, aiding in better ranking for those terms.

Headers also enhance user experience by making content more navigable, indirectly influencing SEO through improved user metrics.

We revamped the site’s H-elements & incorporated relevant keywords to improve PhysioX’s searchability
Finally, they play a role in ensuring content accessibility and optimising for mobile browsing, factors that search engines value in their ranking algorithms.
We wrote a proper metadata description for PhysioX’s web page

3. Provided quality, SEO-friendly copy for PhysioX’s web page

To further improve PhysioX’s presence, we revamped all of the existing copy on their website. This included correcting grammatical errors and ensuring that the copy is professional, easily understood and readable.

At the same time, we also incorporated keywords that are relevant to PhysioX’s variety of services. Doing this would make it easier for potential customers to find the clinic.

Keywords that we made sure to include were: physiotherapy, physiotherapy clinic in Singapore, and physiotherapist among others.

4. Created engaging SEO articles

We aimed to boost PhysioX’s searchability by writing SEO articles that included specific keywords and phrases that potential customers are likely to use when searching online.

Optimising content with these keywords helps PhysioX rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to increased visibility. This attracts more organic traffic, which is not only higher in volume but often more targeted, as these users are actively searching for information, products, or services related to the keywords.

Well written articles can also increase the user’s time spent on the PhysioX’s site which improves engagement. To ensure the quality and authenticity of our articles, we made sure to employ specialised medical copywriters.

Secondly, SEO articles contribute to building a site’s authority and credibility within its industry. By providing valuable, well-researched content that addresses the needs and questions of the target audience, a site can establish itself as an expert in its field.

This not only fosters trust with readers but can lead to higher-quality backlinks from other reputable sites. Such backlinks are vital in enhancing a site’s SEO, further boosting its ranking in search results.

5. Build Quality Backlinks

Starting out, PhysioX’s website had a very low domain rating (DR). A low domain rating affects a site’s ability to rank higher for related search results.

To improve we started by building quality backlinks in the form of business profiles, article sharing, guest posts, and link insertions with the right anchors (brand, topical, exact match and generic), based on PhysioX’s competition.

This would ensure that the website’s backlinks would appear natural and thus not get penalised by Google.

Over a period of 1 year, Brew managed to significantly grow PhysioX’s backlinks.


271% increase in organic traffic

Through our efforts, we managed to bring about a major increase in organic traffic to the PhysioX website. This would serve to boost the clinic’s online presence and help to attract more potential clients.

More than 180% increase in total
clicks & impressions

The fixes Brew introduced brought about a major increase in total clicks and impressions on PhysioX’s website.

Clicks refer to the number of times users have clicked on a link, advertisement, or element on a website. They are vital because they indicate direct engagement and interest from visitors.

Higher clicks indicate a greater level of engagement and interest in your content, products, or services. An increase in PhysioX’s total clicks indicates higher conversion rates and sales as viewers are actively interacting with what’s offered on the site.

When comparing the same quarters in 2022 and 2023, we can see that PhysioX is enjoying a much higher level of engagement.

206% increase in total clicks

Impressions measure how often a webpage, advertisement, or link is viewed, whether or not it’s clicked. This metric provides insight into the visibility and reach of content, helping businesses understand how often their content is being seen.

Higher impressions mean that PhysioX is reaching out to more people and expanding its presence. This contributes to increased brand awareness and credibility.

Comparing the same quarters in 2022 and 2023, shows us that PhysioX is reaching a much larger audience.

All of which indicates that Brew has enabled PhysioX to:

Increase the number of leads they receive
Increasing awareness for new patients
Reach out to a significantly larger number of potential customers
Stand out from their competitors

181% increase in total impressions

Reached the 1st page of Google SERP

The fixes we implemented allowed PhysioX to rank on the 1st page of Google SERP for a number of highly competitive keywords.

These were:

Sports physiotherapy
Sports physiotherapist
Physio clinic Singapore
Physio clinicRanking on the 1st page of Google

SERP significantly boosts visibility, as most users don’t venture past the first page of search results.

This prime positioning leads to increased clicks and traffic to the PhysioX website, connecting with users actively seeking related services.

Ultimately, this prominent ranking helps in converting more visitors into patients, enhancing the clinic’s growth and reputation.

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