Client Story

At A Glance


Over 30,000 unique visitors per month


7X increase in social media engagement

Client Testimonial

We engaged Brew’s services for creating a public awareness website, as well as a campaign for its launch. One thing that really impressed me was Marcus and team’s interest in the meaning behind our website, and their passion for the subject. We were truly grateful for the team’s quick turnaround time and professionalism, and them putting in the effort to meet our tight deadline.

Denise Balhetchet,
Head, Secretariat


Founded in 1980, the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) is the National Coordinating body of women’s organizations in the country. It has over 50 member organizations representing more than 500,000 women that serve to unite them and work toward equality for women in Singapore.

SCWO has representation on a number of government committees as well as on international and regional bodies where it regularly contributes its views on women, family, and gender equality.


Founded in 1980, the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) is the National Coordinating body of women’s organizations in the country. It has over 50 member organizations representing more than 500,000 women that serve to unite them and work toward equality for women in Singapore.

SCWO has representation on a number of government committees as well as on international and regional bodies where it regularly contributes its views on women, family, and gender equality.



The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown/self-isolation mode of life has not only brought about numerous unprecedented challenges but also heightened a number of grave social issues. Of these, domestic violence has been extremely prominent not just in Singapore but all around the world.

Stay-at-home measures and restricted movement to contain the spread of the virus have dramatically increased the chances of women and children being exposed to violence at home. As perpetrators have been forced to spend more time indoors, the risk for women has grown even greater as families cope with job losses or financial crises.

In fact, one in three women are known to be victims of domestic violence across the world, and this has greatly intensified since the outbreak of COVID.

And so, SCWO was looking to raise awareness around the extremely pressing issue of domestic violence. In most cases of domestic violence, victims are scared to report these crimes for fear of their families falling apart or being abused even more. Even bystanders are often unsure of how to help the victims because online resources available on the subject are too few.

SCWO was looking for a partner who had a proven track record and a rich legacy of delivering the desired outcomes through digital marketing to help them achieve their goals. That’s when they reached out to us at Brew.

The Solutions

Based on our assessment of the situation, SCWO’s goals, and an analysis of the audience they were trying to target, we proposed a solution that combines content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing.

1. Creation of a New Website

Because there were too few resources available online to help the victims and bystanders of domestic violence even understand what to do, we realized that the first thing we needed to do was to develop useful content on the subject. The best way to do this was to have a website dedicated precisely to this cause. And so, we decided to call it “Act Against Violence.”

On this website, we created a number of relevant and informative landing pages covering a wide variety of topics such as the cycle of violence, different types of violence, the signs of violence, what to do, how to seek help, and so on. All of this aimed at educating people a lot more about what to do when they experience or witness such abuse.

2. Content Creation for Social Media

We realized that most of SCWO’s target audience could be found on social media, especially Facebook. And so, we designed a robust social media content strategy for them. As a part of this strategy, we created a number of visually appealing content for social media, mainly with the intention of directing viewers to the Act Against Violence website.

The content was educational, informative, and appealing and so, they generated a high level of engagement. Plus, they helped to drive a good amount of traffic to the website as well. Here are a few examples of the kind of content we created for SCWO’s Facebook page.

Well-designed, visually appealing images along with compelling captions helped us a great deal in raising awareness about domestic violence among SCWO’s target audience.

On this website, we created a number of relevant and informative landing pages covering a wide variety of topics such as the cycle of violence, different types of violence, the signs of violence, what to do, how to seek help, and so on. All of this aimed at educating people a lot more about what to do when they experience or witness such abuse.

3. Promoting Events to Raise Awareness

Finally, we also helped SCWO in broadcasting an event live on social media to spread awareness about domestic violence. The event was a great success and its live stream on Facebook helped us reach out to more people and generate awareness about the issue. It also helped us garner engagement on SCWO’s Facebook page as well as direct more traffic to the Act Against Violence website.


As a result of our website and content creation, SEO efforts, and social media marketing, not only did SCWO achieve its goal of raising awareness about domestic violence but also observed phenomenal results!

SCWO witnessed a 7X increase in engagement on social media. They now record over 30,000 unique visitors to their website every month.

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